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I have authored, designed, and self-published seven books of my art and poetry. Six of them are pictured here. 

Painting shares certain commonalities with UI/UX design. The aim of an artist to guide a beholder through the narrative of a painting is quite similar to the goals of the designer in user-centered design. The artist uses compositional techniques and color to engage the beholder, tell a story, and evoke emotion. The designer uses similar tools but also patterns, icons, typography, and animation to help guide users to complete the tasks associated with their own user stories.
Book design also shares obvious commonalities with UI/UX design. Typography, grids, color, and the proper use of white space are important to both disciplines. Establishing a sense of style that conveys the core values associated with a project's branding is also critical to successful designs in both arenas. As a landscape artist, I generally strived to imbue the core values of adventure, peace, and spiritual uplift to my paintings and book designs. The cover images, titles, and typefaces of the books pictured above are all consistent with those values or emotions. They are also evident in the image below.

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